behavioral consultation


This is a simple product.

  • Initial Call to discuss the specifics of a problem behavior through an open-ended interview (1.5 hr)
  • Assessment of the problem behavior including ongoing data analysis
  • Written Plan on addressing the problem behavior
  • Consultation Call on the plan and whether it works for your family and if it needs to be revised (1 hour)
  • Coaching on the plan implementation (1.5 hrs)
  • Additional 3 hours of time to be used for follow ups, i.e. spread out over the number and duration of the meetings that work best for you
  • Recommendation:
    • Parents that are ready to actively collaborate and consistently implement behavioral strategies
    • For children 3 – 12 years old
    • Problem Behaviors Addressed: please use the free 15 min call option or write about the problem behavior you would like to address to get more information



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